Friday, June 5, 2015

for June 6th

Sent to from Mike and Heather:

Hi Jim,

Here is a post from last night...  I am also forwarding one he posted June 3rd.  Please keep him in your prayers....  He had an accident at home.  They think he was on a ladder and ended up falling in the pool.  His neighbors happened to see him in the bottom of the pool.

‪Hello Family and Friends, an update on Jeffrey Michael Hayes. Today was another tough day, some good news but more not so good news. He remains on a ventilator and completely sedated. We met with the medical team again and the consensus is that Jeff has suffered a significant injury to his brain. The seizure activity from yesterday has improved drastically, not nearly as intense, but his brain continues to have a storm of electrical impulses. The seizure med things, but when taken off sedation, the seizures intensify. The doctors explained that they believe the damage isn't limited to a specific area but widespread to the cortex due to lack of oxygen. A very kind and patient doctor explained to us that he believes that even with a miracle of Jeff waking up and fully recovering, the person and personality we knew is most likely not there anymore. It was honestly the hardest moment of my life to hear that. This is not to say we have given up hope, we have not. If anyone can beat the odds, it is our Jeff. My family and Jeff's family were here today and after a tough day, Jeff's Aunt, Uncle and cousins and I ordered some wonderful Italian food and had it delivered to the ICU and smuggled in some red wine. We played some of Jeff's favorite music and told some funny "Jeff" stories, all the time taking turns stroking his hand and just loving on him. The pic below is his hand in mine tonight...I kept hoping he would squeeze it. Tomorrow they will continue with trial and error a better combination of seizure meds to see if they can eliminate the seizures and bring him out of sedation. They can then order an MRI to see what else they can learn about his condition and ultimately give us prognosis. Time to get my cot ready for some rest for the night. Thanks so much for the continued prayers for Jeff. We are so blessed and grateful for you and for you lifting Jeff up at this difficult time. Finally, don't let a day go by without telling those most precious to you that you love them. It comforts me that this was the last thing I said to Jeff when I left for work on Monday. Miracles tomorrow, I can feel it.‬

On Wednesday, June 3, 2015 6:45 PM, Heather Meyer <> wrote:

Sent on the new Sprint Network from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.

From Greg...
It's about 5:30 pm here in Austin. Today did not go as well as we had hoped and prayed for. Jeff's core temperature was reached at 6:04 am and a few minutes later they began to bring him out of the induced coma. It was hoped he would open his eyes but around 6:45 he began continuous seizures that grew more intense. His temperature and blood pressure also started to climb. A team of about 15 doctors and nurses met here in the room to determine why. After a series of anti-seizure medications, blood pressure meds it was decided to give him the paralysis meds again to calm his nervous system. He remains on the ventilator and is heavily sedated, but they have weaned him off the paralytic meds and although his seizures returned, they are much more mild. More tests are needed and when he is stable enough in the next few days, an MRI should help tell us the degree of injury his brain sustained. On the bright side, his heart is undamaged and is beating strong. It's still early, still more questions than answers, and the next few days will be critical for Jeff. He's a tough guy and is fighting the best he can. Please CONTINUE to pray for him and for the miracle of a complete recovery. His doctors have asked that he not have visitors as he needs to direct all his energy to healing. I am so grateful for your good thoughts and prayers for Jeff. He is being prayer for literally around the world....Italy, Egypt, Sweden, Hawaii, and mainland US. I am envisioning the scene from Bruce Almighty with the static of prayers sent up for God to answer. He will answer us, in His time.

Sent on the new Sprint Network from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.

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